Master of Business Administration (MBA English) (MBA, Fernstudium)

Typ Master of Business Administration
SRH Fernhochschule – The Mobile University
SRH Fernhochschule – The Mobile University
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Studienform Fernstudium
Schwerpunkt General Management
Studienbeginn jederzeit
Dauer 24 Monate
Kosten 12.936,00€
Sprache Englisch
Orte Berlin, Frankfurt am Main, Köln, München

SRH Fernhochschule – The Mobile University / Master of Business Administration (MBA English) im Detail

Do you want to use the English language to prepare yourself for a career with an international dimension? Then our part-time English-language MBA is the right choice. The Mobile University is synonymous with the mobile learning approach, allowing you to integrate our distance learning MBA smoothly into your personal and professional life. Self-study allows you to remain fully independent – you can study for the English-language online MBA whenever you wish. Credits from other courses and countries may be transferrable to the English MBA.


  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent, English proficiency


Intercultural Management Management Accounting Analysis


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